Bajaj Eye Centre, 206 New Sukhdev Nagar, Panipat

Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery
Cataract Eye


A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye. For people who have cataracts, seeing through cloudy lenses is a bit like looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. Clouded vision caused by cataracts can make it more difficult to read, drive a car (especially at night) or see the expression on a friend’s face.


Most cataracts develop slowly and don’t disturb your eyesight early on. But with time, cataracts will eventually interfere with your vision.

Cataract Eye and Normal Eye


Most cataracts develop due to normal aging process .


Some inherited genetic disorders that cause other health problems can increase your risk of cataracts. Cataracts can also be caused by other eye conditions like uveitis, past eye surgery or medical conditions such as diabetes, Long-term use of steroid medications, , smoking are all known to increase the risk of developing cataract.


Surgery is the only treatment for cataract, wherein the clouded lens is replaced with Intra Ocular Lens. We Bajaj Eye Centre is the oldest and most Best Cataract Hospital IN Panipat, Haryana, India for Cataract Surgery.

The most popular techniques for cataract surgery as of now are Phacoemulsification and MICS. We at Bajaj Eye Centre provide you with both the techniques.





Monofocal IOL

Good vision for distance without glasses. The Aspheric monofocal lens gives you better contrast especially in dim light conditions, and less glare and halos.

You will have to wear glasses for near work (reading and computers).

Toric IOL

For correcting significant cylindrical power. Sharp Distance vision without glasses.

You will have to wear glasses for near work (reading and computers).

Multifocal IOL

Good vision for distance and near without glasses. Problem of glare and haloes at night.

For very fine print a reading aid may still be needed.

Extended Depth Of Focus IOL

Latest Multifocal IOL’s. Good vision for distance, computer vision and near without glasses. Lower chance of glare and haloes at night. Better light transmission.

For near vision a reading aid may be needed.

Trifocal IOL/ Panoptix

Latest advancement in Multifocal IOL’s.
Good vision for distance, computer vision and near without glasses.
Lower chance of glare and halos at night.
Better light transmission.

For very fine print a reading aid may be needed.

Depending on multiple criteria, our dedicated team of professionals will help you choose the best IOL suited to your lifestyle.

To find out your required IOL power to near accuracy , we use both Optical (Lenstar TM) and Ultrasound Biometer ( A-scan) . Corneal topography is done in cases which require toric IOLs


  1. Package cost varies depending upon the type of surgery and type of lens IOL u choose.
  2. At Bajaj Eye Centre, we take the utmost care to protect you from eye infections and other surgery-related complications.
  3. We adhere to the highest norms of OT sterilisation and follow-up regularly for the results of the same.
  4. Our OT also has an AHU unit which makes sure that quality of air inside the OT is maintained.
  5. These methods are followed for each and every patient – regardless of the package you choose.

Risk Factors :

  1. Ageing
  2. Diabetes
  3. Excessive intake of alcohol
  4. Excessive sunlight exposure
  5. Hereditary
  6. Hypertension
  7. Obesity
Cataract surgery is safe

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