Bajaj Eye Centre, 206 New Sukhdev Nagar, Panipat

Squint- Childhood And Adult

Squint Childhood And Adult
Best Eye Hospital in Panipat
squint treatment at Best Eye Hospital in Panipat


Strabismus or squint is a misalignment of the eyes where the two eyes are pointed in different directions. Though it is a common condition which affects children, it may appear later in life.

More serious than the cosmetic concern, squint can have permanent effect on the vision of the child. so it is very important to deal with squint as soon as it is detected Based on the cause, the type of squint and its severity, we may either choose to treat it with

  1. Glasses
  2. Exercises
  3. Surgery – Squint surgery is advised only if other measures fail.—-surgery may be done on muscles in one eye or both eyes
  4. Prisms/ occlusion (to avoid diplopia in adults)
  5. Treating the cause (underlying neurological problem)
    Squint surgery involves adjusting the position of muscles or shortening the muscles and reattaching them to the surface of the eye. After squint surgery you will require to continue patching therapy and to continue the use of glasses as advised by your pediatric eye specialist. We have a dedicated team of Squint specialists / Strabismologists who are capable of diagnosing and treating all types of squint and associated problems.

If the squint occurs only occasionally, then only observation is advised. If however the squint is seen most of the times, then early surgery is advised.