Bajaj Eye Centre, 206 New Sukhdev Nagar, Panipat


Macro eye photo. Keratoconus

What is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a condition that affects our cornea .


In patients with keratoconus, the cornea begins to progressively become thinner. This thinning causes the cornea to protrude in the centre and assume a conical irregular shape.


Keratoconus usually involves both eyes, but one eye may be more advanced than the other.

Symptoms of Keratoconus

  1. Blurred vision
  2. Ghosting of images
  3. Distorted vision
  4. Sensitivity to light
  5. Glare
  6. Frequent change in glass prescriptions

How do you diagnose Keratoconus?

If you have the above symptoms, or if you have recently been diagnosed with corneal astigmatism and are not comfortable with your glasses, a visit to the ophthalmologist is a must.

After testing your power, you will be examined under the slit lamp biomicroscope. If there is a strong suspicion of keratoconus you will be advised a corneal scan, called a corneal topography, which maps out the thickness and shape of your cornea.

Once diagnosed, how is Keratoconus managed ?

  • You will be first graded according to the severity of the disease-
  • For mild cases, with a good corneal thickness and no significant steepening, we tend to observe the progression of the disease.
  • Moderately severe cases with thin corneas are managed with a therapeutic procedure called corneal collagen cross linking (CXL or C3R)
  • Very severe cases may need a partial corneal transplant called DALK where the anterior corneal layers are removed and replaced with donor tissue.